The holidays are a time of reflection and redemption...
Reflecting on the year's events, Kassie Winters recognizes the blessings and hardships her friends and family have endured this past year. Through a series of losses and gains, she knows that her life is finally on the right track and heading in the right direction, especially now that the Winter's Foundation is generating recognition for its life-changing work.
But when a stranger from her past shows up without warning, everything changes, and Kassie's perfect world is upended. Now, she's forced to dig deep to find forgiveness that she's not sure she can muster. As chaos threatens Serenity, those she loves are struggling and battling illnesses. Suddenly, Kassie faces her demons while still caring for her friends and family. But when it seems the darkest before dawn, they are saved from an unexpected source. Will this Christmas miracle give Serenity the peace it's hoped for all along?